Mapping the signals of in-situ redox changes during gold precipitation in high-grade gold deposits 2024 [Deleted]

Using the unique X-ray Fluorescence Mapping beamline coupled with the Maia-384 detector we plan to map large area (100-500 μm) XANES spectra of important redox species (As, Cr, V and Fe) within the mineral hosts (pyrite, biotite, ilmenite) for naturally occurring hydrothermal gold. This will for the first time allow the spatial determination of a) the coupled changes in redox state of trace elements and allude to the fundamental processes of gold deposition and, b) provide evidence for the redox state of important gold complexes in high grade natural gold deposits. We propose to analyse natural high-grade gold bearing quartz vein material from world-class systems at St Ives, Agnew, Sunrise Dam and Plutonic that have been well characterised by Scanning Electron Microscopy and/or X-ray Fluorescence Mapping (Hough et al, 2009).

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Chris RyanMapping the signals of in-situ redox changes during gold precipitation in high-grade gold deposits 2024. AuScope. (Dataset).

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Additional Info

Field Value
DataCite DOI Identifier 10.82669/oyz03syi
  • Author Name: Chris Ryan
    Author Name Type: Personal
    Author Affiliation: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
    Author Identifier Type: ORCID
Resource Type Dataset
User Specified Keywords synchrotron
GCMD Science Keywords
Fields of Research
  • Resource geoscience
Deposit Date 2024-03-19
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Publisher AuScope
Primary Contact Name AuScope Data Repository
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