Test ISO19115 001

Test ISO19115 001

Cite this as

Stu Woodman (2024): Test ISO19115 001. AuScope. (Dataset). https://doi.org/10.82669/cbqpep5i

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Additional Info

Field Value
DataCite DOI Identifier 10.82669/cbqpep5i
  • Author Name: Stu Woodman
    Author Name Type: Organizational
    Author Affiliation: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
    Author Identifier Type: Other
    Author Identifier: Stu123
Resource Type Dataset
User Specified Keywords test
GCMD Science Keywords
Fields of Research
  • Biogeography and phylogeography
Deposit Date 2024-06-24
Publication Date 2024-06-24
Embargo Date
Start Date
End Date
Location Details
Funding Reference
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Supplemental Information
Publisher AuScope
Primary Contact Name AuScope Data Repository
Primary Contact Email help@data.auscope.org.au